
“As part of the Hospitality Team I enjoy seeing and greating everybody on a weekly basis - it's the highlight of my week!”

~ Mrs. Chou

Scripture Ministry

During Sunday worship it is good that different voices are heard. Our scripture ministry allows for our people to participate in the worship service through the reading of the word of God.
contact: info@vancpc.ca

Children's Focus Ministry

In the Presbyterian tradition, there are vows that are taken by the community that promises to help raise up our children in the ways of the Lord. At CPC we take these vows very seriously. Because of that we have a time every week in our worship service that is dedicated to Children's Focus. We invite those who are part of our community to take part in sharing a lesson with our children during this time. If you are interested, please contact us.
contact: info@vancpc.ca

Music Ministry

Playing music and leading the community to worship God is one way of serving. We have three music teams that lead us through music. If you're interested in being a part of one of these teams, pleasae let us know!
contact: info@vancpc.ca






Welcome Ministry

Being part of the welcome team is an integral part of the worship service. By welcoming new comers as well as people in our community, you help set the tone at morning service.
contact: info@vancpc.ca

Communion Ministry

It is our tradition at Chinese Presbyterian Church to celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of the month. Because of that, our communion ministry helps with preparing the elements (the bread and the cup) on Communion Sunday. We would love for you to be a part of this ministry and help out with this all important task.
contact: info@vancpc.ca

Hospitality Ministry

After the worship service we often have a time where we gather for coffee and refreshments. It is a great time to connect with one another and catch up. Our Hospitality Ministry prepares the refreshments which in turns helps to build our community of faith.
contact: info@vancpc.ca



Serving Ministries

In the scriptures we are called to be a Royal Priesthood and a Holy Nation. We are also called to be the Body of Christ. With those thoughts in mind, we invite anyone in our community to be a part of a serving team, giving an oppurtunity to serve in the church.


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